You Can Heal From Trauma

If you take the journey

You Can Heal From Trauma

If you take the journey

I’m speaking up to help others Hope Evolve And Love (HEAL)

My Why

I believe that each of us can heal from trauma because I am a living testament to this truth. I am a survivor of acute trauma - child sexual abuse, date rape and bullying - and sustained emotional neglect over the vast majority of my life. Until one day it came time for me to heal. Though the foundation of who I was at the time shook, I embraced the moment and embarked on an intentional and focused healing journey. Even though I’m still on my journey, people around me see me evolve as my relationships with them become richer and more authentic, but, more importantly, I see myself evolving. Progress that has brought me to a place where I can give and receive love. And where I am finding happiness. 


I want everyone to experience the love and happiness that comes from healing as I am experiencing it. So, I write and speak to individuals, groups and organizations about my experiences and how we all have the power to HEAL. In this space there is Hope. In this space there is encouragement to Evolve. In this space there is Love.


I also want people and organizations who engage with survivors, whether or not they know that the survivor is a survivor, about the reality of inclusion when people are encumbered by unhealthy survivorship. It’s what I refer to as the “inclusion fallacy”. And we need to talk about it. 

I am a survivor. 

For 45 years I lived behind a wall that I built to protect myself from trauma, perpetual abuse and sustained emotional neglect. Despite my personal challenges, I have achieved professional success as an internationally recognized executive who advises my clients through crisis and transformation. But I discovered through my healing journey that I had lost myself behind my wall. Put together and successful on the outside, I was empty and felt alone and unloved on the inside. Through my healing journey I am breaking down my wall, discovering who I am, and finding my purpose in life.

Beth Jones, speaker, headshot
Beth Jones, speaker, headshot

I am a survivor. 

For 45 years I lived behind a wall that I built to protect myself from trauma, perpetual abuse and sustained emotional neglect. Despite my personal challenges, I have achieved professional success as an internationally recognized executive who advises my clients through crisis and transformation. But I discovered through my healing journey that I had lost myself behind my wall. Put together and successful on the outside, I was empty and felt alone and unloved on the inside. Through my healing journey I am breaking down my wall, discovering who I am, and finding my purpose in life.

Step Into Your Brave!

Pull quote image from Step Into Your Brave book
Cover image Step Into Your Brave book

Brave is facing the truth about your childhood — and why you’ve forgotten so much of it.

Brave is looking the Human Resources rep in the eye when you’ve been laid off after 20 years and telling her why the severance package they’re offering is unacceptable.

Brave is leaving behind your beloved parents and your home at the age of 19 to go to college halfway around the world where everything, from the language to the food, is different.

Bravery can show itself in heroic or daring physical acts, but bravery is also in allowing your heart to soften and forgive those who could not care for you, and in the tenderness of being present for an aging, ill father you are only now getting to know. Bravery is in learning to love and accept yourself as you are.

From giving up a house she could no longer afford to raising six children as a military wife to building a successful business, each woman within these pages redefined brave for herself. 

You’ll come away inspired to find—and step into—your own brave.

This book features the brave stories of: Beth Jones, Kristi Koehler, Dawn Loding, Kim Mittelstadt, April Adams Pertuis, Odeta Pine, Karen Smith, Katharina Stuerzl, and Amber Wells.

What I love about this project:

We are women supporting women and paying it forward. Not only the authors and publisher supporting each other, but 100% of royalties from sales through Amazon go to Kiva is a non-profit that provides microloans in underserved communities. Once the money is in the organization it is there in perpetuity, helping over and over again.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom - Anais Nin


If my story resonates with you, have me to speak to your group, organization, or have me as a guest on your podcast. 

Topics I speak on include: embracing your healing journey; what a healing journey looks like; what can happen to us when we don’t heal; the “inclusion fallacy”.

“I’m overjoyed and overcome with emotion too - witnessing you these last two years has been an honor! Here’s to your story shining a light!!!!!”- April Adams Pertuis
